Techno phantom 5 vs Phantom 6: Which is worth your Money?

tecno phantom 5 image

You be might wondering which is better to buy between Tecno phantom 5 and phantom 6, in this comparison, you will see the difference between these two phones by tecno mobile phones. But, how are we going to know which of them is better? We’ll do that through feature specs comparison, we will compare features like camera, display, memory, speed, etc, and find which is the winner in these features , then at end we’ll declare the overall winner between phantom 6 and phantom 5.

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tecno phantom 6 photo


From the specs sheet above you’ve seen that there’s not much difference between phantom 6 and phantom 5. In terms of Memory, the only difference between the two is the support for external sd-card slot on the phantom 6, both has 3GB RAM and 32GB internal storage, so if you want more storage on phone tecno phantom 6 is for you. In camera, both are the same, featuring 13MP back with flash and 8MP front camera, so if are planning on upgrading to phantom 6 because of camera you might want to reconsider. The Speed and OS version is another place where the phantom 6 beats phantom 5, this is because phantom 6 features a higher Clock speed in the CPU and also running the higher or more recent version of android operating system – marshmallow, while phantom 5 is running 5.1 lollipop. Phantom 5 beats phantom 6 with the 3000mah battery capacity that it packs which is higher than the 2700 on phantom 6.  Other specs features are the same on both devices. So that caps it up for the comparison, the ball is now on your court, do want a faster phone and more memory? if so, you can upgrade to phantom 6, if not i don’t see any reason why you should upgrade your phone from phantom 5 to 6.

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